
Welcome to From My City. 

"A lively city scene is lively largely by virtue of its enormous collection of small elements" Jane Jacobs

An Expert in Japanese Culture

An Expert in Japanese Culture

Akemi Solloway Tanaka is the daughter of an old samurai family and grew up immersed in the traditional arts and culture of Japan. She currently lives in Richmond and splits her time between the UK and Japan. She is a professional lecturer and consultant of Japanese culture, and leads study tours to Japan each spring and autumn. She is an expert in Japanese etiquette and customs.

Akemi founded the Anglo-Japanese Anime and Manga Cultural Association in order to aid further understanding and appreciation of Japanese culture. She is also a leading member of the Bunkasai Anglo-Japanese cultural and language exchange culture club, which has meetings every Wednesday night.  Akemi’s latest project is a charity called Aid For Japan which raises funds to support orphans in the aftermath of the Tsunami and Earthquake disasters in Japan in March 2011. More information can be found on Akemi's website.

From My City will give you the opportunity to meet Akemi during a special Japanese dinner, where she will introduce us to Japanese food etiquette, explain the traditional Japanese beverage sake and perform a tea ceremony on December 3rd 2011. 

Akemi answers to our four traditional questions.

What brought you to London?

I came to London from Japan for my daughter's education.

 What is the last exhibition, film or show that inspired you and why?

I love the Japanese Animated fantasy film " My Neighbor Totoro" by director Hayao Miyazaki. It is full of family love and respect for nature. You will find the lyrics here

If you had to leave London, what aspects of the city would you miss the most?

I would miss the freedom and the multicultural aspects of the city.

Could you recommend some of your favourite places in London?

My favorite place is the Rose Garden (Queen Mary's Garden) in Regent Park. 





Emil Robinson's Exhibition

Emil Robinson's Exhibition

London Small Historic Houses

London Small Historic Houses